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your Life

Awaken. Align. Amplify.

 Angela Carr Patterson Wants to Help You Awaken Your Life, Align Your Purpose, and Amplify Your Vision!

Ready to Live the Life You Were Born to Live?

Hi, I’m Angela Carr Patterson, a Global Visionary Strategist, and I want to invite you to step into an Awakened Life—a life of purpose, alignment, and deep fulfillment. I have dedicated my life to guiding visionary women—and a few brave men—through their journey of self-discovery and transformation, helping them unlock the answers to life’s most essential questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What am I here to do? Imagine waking each day with a profound sense of clarity, knowing that you are fully aligned with your highest purpose and making an impact that reflects the truth of who you are. That’s what it means to live an Awakened Life—a life where you are no longer just existing but truly thriving. Yet, you must first understand where you are on your journey. I invite you to take my Life Path Quiz, designed to help you discover which stage of life you’re currently in. Are you in Awareness, sensing there’s more for you? Are you in the Ache, feeling stuck in challenges that seem impossible to overcome? Are you in Alignment, ready to discover your purpose? Or are you Awakened, prepared to amplify your vision and leave a legacy? Taking this quiz is more than just answering a few questions; it’s a soul-stirring journey into self-awareness. In a world that often pulls us away from our true selves, this moment of clarity is essential. Because once you know where you are, you can start moving intentionally toward the life you were destined to live.

Take My Discover Your Life Path Quiz

"It only takes ONE AWAKENED VOICE  with an Amplified Vision to transform the world, and that VOICE very well could be YOU!" --Angela Carr Patterson

Unleash the Power of Your Story w/ Awakened Voices!

The Awakened Voices Project is Angela's groundbreaking initiative that empowers real people like you to share their unique stories with the world. Our innovative platform transforms your stories into a captivating book and a thought-provoking TV Docu-Series, amplifying your voice and inspiring countless others worldwide. Learn how you can start your transformative journey with the Awakened Voices Project. Together, let's make a difference, one story at a time.

Unleash the Power of Your Story Now!

Receive My Free Gifts to You!

Nothing inspires me more than witnessing visionary women (and a few courageous men) awaken to their power and truth. I've crafted three impactful offerings to kickstart your journey toward living an awakened life filled with deeper meaning, more abundance, and magical love. Get Your Free Gifts Today!

 Awaken Your Life Audio Message

Receive Angela's "Awaken Your Life" audio message for daily listening, setting your intentions and paving the way for a successful day ahead.

Get Your Audio!

Awaken Your Life 7-Day Program

Angela will guide you through 7 powerful lessons to elevate your life to new levels of love, wealth, and success.

Get Your Program!

What They Are Saying About Angela!

What Kind of Life Do You Want To Live?

The answer to this question is the key to creating a more meaningful and magical life. As women, we enjoy the roles of motherhood, business leader, wife, partner, and more. We busy ourselves attending to the needs of others, oftentimes forgetting about ourselves. You hold a space for everyone else to shine, but who's holding a space for YOU? I'm ready to become a space holder for you.

Your Passion Is Helping Them. My Passion Is Helping You!

I show up in people's lives when they are ready to make a shift. You're here because you are ready for a shift. A SHIFT from being a supporting role in the lives of others to being the LEADING LADY in your own life's story. A SHIFT from living someone else's truth to living your own TRUTH. It's The Awakened Life. A Life Reimagined. Success Redefined.


“Angela has that special something that is difficult to define. Her presence is felt when she enters a room, and her warm spirit exudes possibilities. As a life coach, she knows how to pinpoint her clients' needs, talents, and potential. She is very effective in helping you find a better way, a new opportunity, and the self-confidence to follow your dreams. All I can say is, WOW, I’m happy to have Angela in my circle!”-

Wendy Brawley, CEO/Publisher, Imara Woman Magazine and TV Show, Producer

“Angela Carr Patterson is off the wall with goodness, passion, and prosperity for all. She is amazing. Angela is helping people recreate their lives and get beyond their stories. Angela changes lives, listens, digests, and turns things around. She gives hope to those with little to none and is there for those ready to spring forth with their magnificence. Angela Carr Patterson is the wind beneath the wings of all women.”

Heshie Segal, CEO and Founder of Kids Better World

“I have known and worked with Angela for many years. The one thing that has resonated in her work from my perspective as a husband, father, and businessman is her passion for giving and enlightening. In this very social and corporate, bottom-line world, whether home, for-profit business, or not-for-profit business, the ability to positively impact as many as possible has been a cornerstone of her work. I look forward to my next initiative with her mission to help others enjoy the quality of life.”

Roscoe Wilson, Jr., CEO/President,

The R.C. Wilson Group

“Angela has that special something that is difficult to define. Her presence is felt when she enters a room and her warm spirit exudes possibilities. As a life coach, she knows how to pinpoint the needs, talents, and potential of her clients. She is very effective in helping you find a better way, a new opportunity, and the self-confidence to follow your dreams. All I can say is, WOW, I’m happy to have Angela Carr Patterson in my circle!”- Wendy Brawley, CEO and Publisher, Imara Woman Magazine and TV Show, Producer

“I have known and worked with Angela Carr Patterson for many years. The one thing that has resonated in her work from my perspective as a husband, father, and businessman, is her passion for giving and enlightening. In this very social, and very corporate, bottomline world, whether it be home, for-profit business, or not-for-profit business, the ability to positively impact as many as possible has been a cornerstone of her body of work. Positively impacting people and things, promotes growth across a broad spectrum. I look forward to my next initiative with her mission to help individuals, and families enjoy an enhanced quality of life.”– Roscoe Wilson, Jr., CEO/President, The R.C. Wilson Group

"Angela is going to "Awaken" the sleeping giant that's on the inside of you." Do yourself a favor and tap into the gift of Angela Carr Patterson. I promise you won't be disappointed." —Roshanda Pratt, Visibility Coach & Producer, The Rosho Live

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